Presentation Design

Last week I was over in Portlaoise in Ireland for the Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland (OHSI) Conference which this year had the theme “How well do we communicate”. I’d been invited to run a workshop on Presentation Design and also make a presentation on the same subject to the Conference proper. It’s usually aContinue reading “Presentation Design”

Communicating Science

I spent last week in Ireland. The main purpose of my visit was to attend the annual conference of the Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland in Portlaoise.   The theme of the Conference was “How well do we communicate” and one of the highlights was the talk by Fergus McAuliffe, an Environmental Scientist from University CollegeContinue reading “Communicating Science”

Making an impact with presentations

Communication competencies and skills are often considered of lower priority than technical ones and yet they are critical to professional success. BOHS meetings have usually concentrated on technical issues, but to try to give more emphasis to other competencies that are needed by professionals the North West Region recently ran a meeting concentrating on communicationContinue reading “Making an impact with presentations”


There’s been some debate about “leadership” within BOHS recently, with some discussion on the BOHS Linkedin forum and with a Workshop devoted to the issue at the BOHS Conference in Cardiff (presentation slides can be download from here). Last year, a number of your younger members were able to attend the Future Leader’s Institute runContinue reading “Leadership”

BOHS–Faculty Associate Membership launched

The BOHS has recently launched a new Associate grade of membership for the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene. Anyone who has successfully completed at least one of the Occupational Hygiene Modules, or  the Basic Principles of Occupational Hygiene introductory course is eligible to apply. The grade is also open to those who hold one of theContinue reading “BOHS–Faculty Associate Membership launched”